We want anarchy.
This is our starting point. But what does that mean
when it comes to how we act, here and now ? If we
don’t want to postpone the flavour of a life without submission
to a utopian future, if we want to savour it immediately
by revolting, which means and methods do we choose
to get as close as possible to that flavour ? How, in our
struggles, can we express solidarity, self-organisation,
and the rejection of all authority ? How do we reconcile
the refusal of compromises in content and practice with
the search for moments of encounter between different
discontented and rebellious minds ? How can we share our
ideas and revolts, by conferring on them a social impact,
a revolutionary perspective ? What are the previous experiences
of anarchists in Switzerland and in other countries ? Where can we
verify, here and now, favourable conditions so as to contribute,
on anarchist bases, to the intensification of social conflicts ?
And last but not least, what is the contribution in this direction
of the various insurrections and conflictual transformations
on the international level ?
We want to spend 3 days with those interested in these questions, in order to explore them in more depth with discussions, dialogues and presentations.
More information on the programme, the place and some texts which will serve as a basis for the discussion will be published on the website.
Are you able to help out with the translation? Please let us know!